Too simple? Maybe not…

I’ve been thinking about the crisis in the Ukraine, as Russia seemingly threatens military incursion with a goal of protecting themselves against NATO expansion and preserving their strategically important naval base in Crimea. This has been an ongoing source of tension ever since the fragmentation of the former Soviet Union and the steady increase in NATO members from the western part of the old Soviet bloc. NATO was formed specifically to protect western Europe from Soviet aggressiveness, when it annexed much of eastern Europe after World War II. It justified those annexations because of prior invasions by France and then Germany over literally centuries.  Russia wanted a buffer zone.  At that time, in post-World War II politics, Russia also wanted to expand its form of autocratic, forced communism.  Things have changed in that Russia isn’t necessarily desiring to export its form of government any longer.  But it still feels insecure with more and more countries joining NATO, whose purpose is to oppose Russian expansion of influence and possible military aggression. 

NATO Plus One?
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The time has come for the militant moderate

It took a lot to make my Grandpa angry.  He never raised his voice.  He didn’t sweat the small stuff.  He was a good neighbor and generally received the same treatment in return.  He was a strong man, but he went through life easily, fluidly, not needing to publicly demonstrate his strength. 

He was self-reliant.  With an eighth-grade education (which was pretty good for his era) he worked as a rancher for most of his life.  For a while he worked at a smelting plant in Missouri.  He brought his family to California in the early years of the twentieth century, where he worked as an orange grove manager in Compton, an area that has long ago replaced its orchards with concrete and asphalt.

He left people alone to make their own decisions about how their lives went.  He didn’t gossip or speak ill of others.  He saw life with a twinkle in his eye, always looking for the opportunity to inject humor.  He had a dry wit.

Grandpa Roy Alvin Barron
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The inflated discussion about inflation

Every day another article, pundit, economist, politician or expert warns darkly about the current rate of inflation and what it portends for our economic future. So I thought, why shouldn’t I join in, providing an alternate view of the subject? I think there is decent evidence to offer a deflationary puncture to the expanding alarm.

Historical Rate of Inflation over Sixty Year Period in the U.S. Source: World Bank
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Leaders can cure burnout in a heartbeat

One survey I read recently said that 91% of respondents felt burned out, working through the pandemic. Another survey said that more than half the respondents were either making a job change or considering it, with burnout being the main reason. What, exactly, is “burnout”?

I think there are two reasonable definitions. One is exhaustion, simply reaching the end of one’s physical and mental abilities to continue to exert effort. If you’ve ever pushed your body beyond its abilities, you’ve experienced this. You can’t get enough oxygen to the hard-working cells, creating the condition of hypoxia, using the body’s own tissue for energy, literally eating oneself alive. Working long hours, not getting enough sleep, not enough exercise, taking care of the kids first–all of these things create exhaustion.

Another definition of burnout that makes sense is chronic stress, when the sympathetic nervous system (the one that causes fight-flight-freeze responses in a condition of perceived threats) dominates for too long. Deadlines, urgent messages, last-minute requests, demands for response, long lists of action items and the uncertainty in which we all now live cause our sympathetic nervous system to run hot, all the time. Chronic stress is a well-known cause of many physiological problems.

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