Category Archives: The People

All about the people side of business and life.

Who’s “we”…?

Whenever a news organization interviews someone about the Big Issues, we invariably hear the person interviewed starting sentences like this: “We should…”, and “We shouldn’t…”, and “What we need to do is…” Then they fill in the blank with a … Continue reading

Posted in Politics and Business, The People | 1 Comment

Language drives our psychology

The state of being conscious has eluded definition, and certainly no one knows how it “emerges” from neurological systems. However, we do know that our consciousness is closely connected to the human mind’s propensity for symbolic representation of our experience, … Continue reading

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“It’s like, sort of, you know, like…”

Since the 1980s, I’ve listened to the English language in the United States steadily adopt a habitual inclusion of what I’ll call “filler” words. These are words that convey no meaning and essentially take the place of the equally useless … Continue reading

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In praise of the Deep State

[The following article represents solely the opinion of the author and no one else.] When I first heard it, I didn’t understand what “deep state” meant, except that whoever was using the phrase seemed to convey a sense of foreboding, … Continue reading

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