Category Archives: The People
People are jumpy right now
You’ve probably noticed it. My latest indicator was an experience at the shipping store this morning with Cheri. While she went in to send a package to her nephew, I stayed outside with the bikes. Enjoying the lack of commitments … Continue reading
Wealth inequality is not so simple
The dichotomy between the trajectory of the stock market over the last year and the state of the general economy in the U.S. has been the subject of many a pundit’s ruminations. There are many articles about the unfair advantage … Continue reading
“Culture” is hot right now
I was speaking recently with the CEO of a successful, growing e-commerce services company. The subject was organizational culture, and how to consciously create it. Coincidentally, another call a day later with the CFO of a 2,000 person biotech company … Continue reading
Can we truly eliminate segregation?
The word “segregation” means the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things. In its most negative application to humans, it means labeling people according to a caste system that ranges from the most … Continue reading