Category Archives: Strategy and the Big Picture
Auspicious consumption
Why is it that the word “consumption” has been inextricably bound to the adjective “conspicuous”, and the phrase has come to mean a condemnation of our consumer-based economy?
Thoughts from January 2008, pre-recession…
January 7, 2008 (With 2011 notes) As the 2007 shopping days of Christmas fade behind us, a look forward seems in order.
It all starts with the dirt
The days when money was an option are long gone. Since our population started migrating away from rural, farm-based communities towards urban, manufacturing-based cities, society has become progressively dependent upon trade between individuals. If you don’t grow your own food, … Continue reading
Relationship financing
Small businesses have historically contributed a stable 50% of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), which is the sum total of goods and services provided by U.S. companies from domestic locations. These statistics are tracked and analyzed over the years by … Continue reading