Category Archives: Politics and Business
The secret languages of business
The old saying is that knowledge is power. And it is, of course. Sharing it is also power, but only for those people who know how to create value rather than just have the private knowledge of it. For those … Continue reading
Bending over for my health care
The literal and metaphorical accuracy of the headline for this piece is hopefully not lost on the reader, even though it may be repugnant to some. And who am I to take such aggressive liberties with your sensibilities? I’m just … Continue reading
The economics of cancer
I recently had the “opportunity” to become an active consumer of healthcare services in the field of cancer diagnosis and treatment. Having some time pre- and post-surgery to do, well, nothing, I found myself thinking about how the economics of … Continue reading
How much is too much?
One of the hot topics among corporate directors and their constituents is executive pay. It’s been a hot topic for years and years. For some reason, each time it comes up in the public’s awareness, people react to it like … Continue reading